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Interjection (Kata Seru) adalah suatu bunyi seru yang ditambahkan ke dalam kalimat untuk menunjukkan perasaan atau emosi yang kuat seperti kegembiraan, kesedihan, keterkejutan, persetujuan, keheranan, dsb.
- Hey! Get off that floor!
- Oh, that is a surprise.
- Good! Now we can move on.
- Jeepers, that was close.adaa
- Indeed, this is not the first time the stand has collapsed.
- Yes, I do intend to honour the bet.
- Phew! I am not trying that again.
- Humph! I knew that last week.
- Mmmm, my compliments to the chef.
Tanda Baca
Interjection dapat diikuti oleh koma atau tanda seru. Koma digunakan untuk menunjukkan seruan yang ringan atau lembut, sedangkan tanda seru digunakan untuk menyatakan seruan yang lebih kuat seperti terkejut, emosi, marah, atau perasaan yang lebih mendalam lainnya.
- Hurry! The bus is about to leave!
- Jeepers! That is the largest beetle I have ever seen.
- No, I'm not going tomorrow night.
- Well, the larva moves more quickly than you would expect.
- Absolutely, a fifth of them do not count.
a. Noun-Infinitive
- To suppose that he could be pardoned! (Siapa yang sangka kalau dia masih bisa diampuni!)
- To think that he should have died! (Siapa kira dia telah mati akhirnya!)
- Would that I were rich! (Andainya lah kalau saya ini orang kaya)
- Would that he were still alive.
- Hear! Hear!
- Shut up! shut up!
- Poor thing!
- Terrible news!
- Fool!
- What an idea!
- What a shame!
- Strange!
- Shocking!
- How beautiful!
- How beautiful she is!
- If we had only known!
- If I could only see her once more!
- hurray! = hore!
- Alas! = Aduh! Sayang!
- Bravo! = bagus sekali!
- Hush! = Diam!
- Bosh! = Omong kosong!
- Ah! = Aduh!
- Dammit! = Persetan!
- Dear me! = Astaga!
- For heaven's sake! = Ya Alla!
- Good heavens! = Masya Allah!
- Good Lord! = Astaga!
- Farewell! = Selamat Jalan!
- Well done! = Bagus sekali!
- Thank goodness! = Syukurlah!
- Thank God! = Alhamdulillah!
Kalimat Seru Dalam Surat Resmi
Jangan gunakan kalimat seru seperti contoh di atas dalam surat resmi. Sumber: http://nurmanali.blogspot.com/
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