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1. Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fakta (facts), kebenaran umum (general truth) dan kebiasaan (habitual actions).
Kalimat Nominal (Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja)
(+) S + to be (am/is/are) + N /Adj / adv
(--) S + to be + NOT + N / Adj / Adv
(?) To be + S + N / Adj / Adv
1. the earth is round
2. These buildings are not across my house.
3. Are you ok?
4. syamsul is very rich person
Kalimat Verbal (Kalimat yang mengandung kata kerja)
(+) S + V1 s/es + ….
(--) S + do/does + NOT + V1 + ….
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + ….
1. the sun rises in the east
2. The children don’t go to school everyday.
3. Water boils at 100°.
4. Why does iron rust?
· Simple present tense tidak benar-benar menggambarkan present actions, melainkan suatu yang permanen atau habitual.
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries to be/ do/does
· Adverb of frequency seperti usually, seldom, dsb., umumnya muncul sesudah Auxiliaries (Ataupun) namun sebelum V1 s/es.
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: seldom, usually, always, never, often, etimes, rarely, every ,.., once/ twice/ ... a day/ in a week / a month / a year ..., etc.
2. Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung sekarang( At the time/ around of speaking)
(+) S + to be (am/is/are) + V1 + ing + ….
(--) S + to be + NOT + V1 + ing + ….
(?) To be + S + V1 + ing + ….
- My father is sleeping now
- You are not studying English, but you are studying Math.
- What are you doing? Are you writing a letter?.
· Present Continuous Tense benar-benar menggambarkan present actions, walaupun terkadang bias juga untuk future meaning .
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries “to be”
· Beberapa kata kerja tertentu tidak bias menggunakan bentuk continuous. Biasanya kata kerja yang bersifat tetap ( Stative Verbs) dan kata kerja mental (Mental Verbs), misalnya see, hear, like, hate, love, dislike, believe, own, have (mempunyai), think, know, smell, consider, understand, appear, seem, look, want, remember, forget, belong, prefer, etc.
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: now, right now, today, at the moment, at the present, etc
· Kalimat imperative ( Be Quiet!, Don’t make so much noise!, Look! Etc) biasanya diikuti dengan Present Continuous Tense.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang baru saja selesai namun masih ada akibat atau hubungan dengan masa sekarang. Yang dientingkan adalah action bukan waktu dimulainya.
(+) S + Have/has + V3/been + ….
(--) S + Have/has + NOT + V3/been + …. FOR/SINCE…..
(?) Have/has + S + V3/been + ….
- Mr. Is9ni has just already eaten.
- My father and my mother have gone to Mecca since two days ago.
- Why has Aminah decided to study at Unila? Has she consulted with her parents?
FOR( selama) + Duration of time/period of time
For two days, for two weeks, for a week, for three monts, etc.
SINCE ( sejak) + particular time in the past
Since yesterday, since two days ago, since last year, etc.
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries “ have/has”
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: for…,since…, just, already, yet, recently, lately, so far, up to now, up to present, etc
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah dimulai pada masa lampau namun masih berlangsung sampai dengan sekarang. Dalam beberapa hal antara Present Perfect dan Present Perfect Continuous sama/ tidak berbeda artinya( biasanya pada kata kerja: work, live, study( sekolah). Sebaiknya kita menggunakan Present Perfect Continuous kalau yang kita inginkan adalah menekankan pada berlangsungnya /durasi peristiwa.
(+) S + Have/has + been + Ving….
(--) S + Have/has + NOT + been + Ving... FOR…..
(?) Have/has + S + been + Ving….
- Mr. Is9ni has been working in this company for three years. = Mr. Is9ni has worked….
- We have been living in Pringsewu since 1999 = We have lived…..
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries “ have/has”
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: for…,since…, just, already, yet, recently, lately, so far, up to now, up to present, etc
1. Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu lampau ( past)
Kalimat Nominal (Kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata kerja)
(+) S + to be (was/were) + N /Adj / adv
(--) S + to be (was/were) + NOT + N / Adj / Adv
(?) To be (was/were) + S + N / Adj / Adv
- He was a teacher.( He is not a teacher anymore)
- They weren’t in the same class.
- Was your father at home yesterday?
Kalimat Verbal (Kalimat yang mengandung kata kerja)
(+) S + V2 + ….
(--) S + did + NOT + V1 + ….
(?) Did + S + V1 + ….
- Mrs. Nur taught me English last week.
- The children didn’t go to school yesterday.
- What did you do? Did you enjoy your dinner last night?
· Untuk menunjukkan habit pada masa lampau kita juga bisa menggunakan : When I was….I usually/ I often V2 …= I used to V1…..
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries to be ( was/were) / did
· Perbedaan antara Present Perfect dengan Past simple adalah penekanannya. Simple Past menekankan waktu terjadinya (dimulai dan selesai pada waktu lampau) sedangkan Present Perfect Tense lebih menekankan pada Action
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: yesterday, last…, …ago, once upon time, etc.
2. Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan:
A. Kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau (specific past time)
(+) S + was/were + V1 + ing + ….
(--) S + was/were + NOT + V1 + ing + ….
(?) was/were + S + V1 + ing + ….
- My father was sleeping at 8.15 p.m last night
- You were not studying English at 7.00 yesterday, but you were studying English then.
- What were you doing? were you writing a letter?.
B. Dua buah kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan pada masa lampau ( untuk menghubungkan dua buah kejadian tersebut kita menggunakan penghubung “When/While”
Past Continuous + WHEN + Simple Past
Simple Past + WHILE + Past Continuous
Simple Past + WHEN + Past Continuous
- I was studying English when you came to my house
- My father came while Rina was eating
- I fell down when I was walking
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries “to be” was/were
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: Yesterday at 10.00, at that time last night, then( past).
3. Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah selesai sebelum kejadian lain di masa lampau terjadi. (Kejadian yang sudah selesai duluan berbentuk Past Perfect Tense, dan kejadian yang selanjutnya berbentuk Simple Past).
(+) S + Had + V3/been + ….
(--) S + Had + NOT + V3/been + …. FOR/SINCE…..
(?) Had + S + V3/been + ….
- Mr. abrini had just already eaten before you came
- My father and my mother went to hometown after they had been called by my grandma.
Simple Past + After + Past Perfect
Past Perfect + Before + Simple Past
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah dimulai pada masa lampau namun masih berlangsung sampai dengan kejadian lain di masa lampau. Sebaiknya kita menggunakan Past Perfect Continuous—bukan past perfect-- kalau yang kita inginkan adalah menekankan pada berlangsungnya /durasi peristiwa.
(+) S + Had + been + Ving….
(--) S + Had + NOT + been + Ving... FOR…..
(?) Had + S + been + Ving….
Mr. ali had been working in this company for three years WHEN Andi joined in this company.
1. Present Future Tense
Present Future Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang akan berlangsung di masa yang akan datang.
(+) S + Will/shall V1/be + ….
(--) S + will/shall + NOT + V1/be + …
(?) Will/shall + S + V1/be + ….
- I will go to school tomorrow morning.
- Roni will not go to Bali next month
- Why won’t you go to school tomorrow?
· Sebaiknya Kita menggunakan TO Be going to V1( Present Continuous Tense) untuk sebuah kejadian yang sudah kita rencanakan dari awal
· Dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, apabila kita ingin membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan WH Question( what, why, what, when, where, how), letakkan Wh Question paling awal sebelum Auxiliaries “will/shall”
· Will umum untuk semua subjek, sedangkan shall untuk subjek “ I and We”
· Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: tomorrow, next…., soon, later, tonight, the day after tomorrow
2. Present Future Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di masa yang akan datang.
(+) S + Will/shall + be + V1 + ing + ….
(--) S + Will/shall + NOT + be + V1 + ing + ….
(?) Will/shall + S + be + V1 + ing + ….
- My father will not be teaching English tomorrow at six
- You will be studying English at that time nexweek
Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: tomorrow at 10.00, this time next week, then (future)
3. Present Future Perfect Tense
Present Future Perfect Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah dimulai pada masa lampau, sekarang masih berlangsung dan belum selesai dan akan selesai di waktu tertentu yang akan datang. (Unfinished Actions)
(+) S + Will Have + V3/been + ….
(--) S + Will Have + NOT + V3/been + …. By The time…..
(?) Will + S + Have + V3/been + ….
- Mr. Dhany will have gone by the time tomorrow
- My father will have studied before Rina comes to my house
Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: when, by the time, by the end, by, as soon as, until…+ future time (present simple)
4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang sudah mulai berlangsung sebelum waktu tertentu atau kejadian lain di waktu yang akan datang dan akan masih berlangsung pada saat tersebut.
(+) S + Will Have + been + Ving….
(--) S + Will Have + NOT + been + Ving... FOR…..
(?) Will + S + Have + been + Ving….
- Mr. Is9ni will have been working in this company for three years by the time you join in this company
Time marker yang biasa digunakan ialah: when, by the time, by the end, by, as soon as, until…+ future time (present simple)
01. By the end of this week i…from Malaysia.
A. Am back
B. Have been back
C. Would be back
D. May be back
E. Will have been back
02. I know that one of my students…in your company since he graduated.
A. work
B. working
C. to work
D. has been working
E. have worked
03. Hadi looks very tired; he…for hours now.
A. drove
B. had driven
C. was driving
D. had been driving
E. has been driving
04. I hope that by the time my father retires, I …a job.
A. get
B. am getting
C. have got
D. got
E. will have got
04. I have written three letters. It means…
A. I am still writing now
B. I am not writing anymore
C. I haven’t finished writing yet
D. I hope to finish this morning
E. I have to write now
05. Iwan, the national tennis champion, ….tennis since he was nine.
A. played
B. has been playing
C. plays
D. is playing
E. had played
06. Heru had a lot of work to do. He finished his work five minutes ago. He cried: "I am free now, because I ... all my work."
A. finished
B. have finished
C. will finish
D. will have finished
E. am finishing
07. Tara ... a letter in his room when his mother came in.
A. wrote
B. has written
C. writes
D. was writing
E. is writing
08. By the time she finds the umbrella, the rain.....
A. stopped.
B. will have stopped
C. will be stopping.
D. will have been stopping.
E. will stop.
09. “Have the boys had their breakfast?”
“Not yet, they…
A. have taken a bath
B. are still taking a bath
C. will take a bath
D. were taking a bath
E. would still take a bath
10. They ... the matter by twelve o'clock tomorrow.
A. discuss
B. will discuss
C. will have discussed
D. have discussed
E. will be discussing
11. Every night the watchman turns on all the lights and …around the building every half an hour.
A. walks
B. is walking
C. to be walking
D. walking
E. to walk
12. “How long has been the principle of our school?”
“Since I …this school”
A. was entering
B. have entered
C. would enter
D. entered
E. had been entering
13. I am sure you ... the name of Dickens.
A. have heard
B. will hear
C. hear
D. heard
E. will have heard
14. The sun ... in the east.
- is rising
- rises
- rose
- rises
- rice
15. By nine o'clock tonight I… ready to go to Jakarta.
A. have been
B. will have been-.
C. will be
D. am
E. was
16. At this moment she ... her dress.
A. will sew
B. sew
C. is sewing
D. sewed
E. sews
17. I ... the clock last night.
A. will find
B. finds
C. have found
D. am finding
E. found
18. She ... in Jakarta this time tomorrow.
A. will be arriving
B. will have arrive
C. will have been arriving
D. will arrive
E. have been arriving
19. The bus came after I …for about twenty minutes.
A. have been waiting
B. have waited
C. am waiting
D. had been waiting
E. was waiting
20. When I came in, the dog… under the table.
A. was sleeping
B. have been sleeping
C. is sleeping
D. sleeping
E. will be sleeping
21. Every year She….my holiday in Bali
A. is spending
B. spend
C. spends
D. will spend
E. spent
22. Keep quiet, we…to music.
A. listen
B. am listening
C. listened
D. will listen
E. have listened
23. I….outside the restaurant this time next Wednesday.
A. am waiting
B. will wait
C. will be waiting
D. will been waited
E. wait
24. At this moment we….English test
A. have
B. having
C. are having
D. had
E. will have
25. “oh dear. I forget to bring my dictionary.”
“That’s all right. I …you mine.
A. am lending
B. am going to lend
C. will lend
D. lend
E. will be lending
BalasHapusni sangat membantuu.....
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