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Reported Speech atau Kalimat Laporan adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk melaporkan apa kata orang lain dengan memasukkannya dalam kalimat yang kita buat sendiri. Kalimat laporan ini sering juga disebut dengan Kalimat Tak Langsung. Perhatikan penjelasannya di bawah ini:
1. Statement
Pada penggunaan jenis kalimat ini, kata sambung yang kita gunakan adalah that. Namun kata ini bisa dipakai atau boleh juga tidak dipakai.
Perhatikan dialog berikut ini:
Alex : I am a student.
Bob : What did Alex say, Andy?
Andy : Alex said that he was a student.
- Apa yang diucapkan Andy adalah kalimat tak langsung, karena Andy mengulang apa yang diucapkan Alex kepada Bob.
- Karena bersifat pengulangan dan Alex berkata demikian beberapa saat yang lalu (sebelum Bob bertanya) maka Tenses yang digunakan harus dalam bentuk Past.
- George said," My mother will go to Bali today."
- George said (that) his mother would go to Bali today.
- Perubahan hari dan tempat sangat tergantung pada situasi pada saat berbicara. Artinya dapat saja berganti, namun dapat juga tidak.
- Tanda petik tidak lagi digunakan.
- "I have phoned the police," John said.
- John said that he had phoned the police.
2. Request/Command
Ada 2 kelompok dalam penggunaan kalimat tidak langsung jenis ini, yaitu:
- Positive Request/Command
- Negative Request/Command
Mari kita bahas satu persatu:
a. Positive Request/Command
Kalimat tak langsung jenis ini adalah kalimat permintaan atau perintah yang tidak dimulai dengan don't, seperti open the door!, close the window!, be carefull!, dsb. Untuk kalimat jenis ini, kata sambung yang digunakan adalah to sebelum kata kerjanya.
- "Close the window!", Anton asked.
- Anton asked me to close the window.
- Bob said," Be careful, my son!"
- Bob asked his son to be careful.
b. Negative Request/Command
Kalimat tak langsung jenis ini adalah kalimat permintaan yang dimulai dengan don't. Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah not to untuk menggantikan don't.
- "Don't touch me!", William asked.
- William asked me not to touch him.
- Mrs. Hunt said," Don't be lazy, Henry!".
- Mrs Hunt asked Henry not to be lazy.
3. Questions
Jenis ini juga memiliki 2 kelompok yaitu Yes/No Question dan Wh- Question.
a. Yes/No Questions
Yes/No Question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak. Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah whether atau if. Namun yang perlu diingat adalah susunan kalimat dalam kalimat tak langsungnya harus menjadi normal kembali. Artinya setelah kata whether/if, maka harus dimulai dengan Subjek, Predikat, dst. Kita dapat juga menambahkan or not pada kalimat tak langsungnya. Namun kata or not hanya mengiringi kata whether dan tidak if. Kata whether lebih sering digunakan daripada if.
- Mr. Hunt asked," Are you my new secretary?"
- Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether she was his new secretary or not. - Bentuk I
- Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether or not she was his new secretary. - Bentuk II
- Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether she was his new secretary. - Bentuk III
- "Can you pick me up?", asked Edward.
- Edward asked if I could pick him up.
b. Wh- Questions
Wh- Question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang tidak dijawab dengan ya atau tidak, melainkan sebuah pernyataan seperi How old are you, Where do you live? dsb.
Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah kata tanya itu sendiri. Susunan setelah kata tanya itu kembali seperti kalimat positif. Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut. Tanda tanya juga harus dihilangkan.
- "How old are you?", Ahmad wanted to know.
- Ahmad wanted to know How old I was. (BUKAN How old was I)
- Andy asked Ted," Where do you live?"
- Andy asked Ted where he lived.
Bagaimana dengan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut?
- "sssst!"
- "hmmm!" (berdehem)
- "zzzzzzz!" (mendengkur)
- dsb?
He said, “I go to school every day.” |
He said (that) he went to school every day. |
He said, “I went to school every day.” |
He said (that) he had gone to school every day. |
He said, “I have gone to school every day.” |
He said (that) he had gone to school every day. |
He said, “I am going to school every day.” |
He said (that) he was going to school every day. |
He said, “I was going to school every day.” |
He said (that) he had been going to school every day, |
He said, “I will go to school every day.” |
would +
verb name
He said (that) he would go to school every day. |
(going to)
He said, “I am going to school every day.” |
He said (that) he is going to school every day. |
He said (that) he was going to school every day |
+ verb name
He said, “Do you go to school every day?” He said, “Where do you go to school?” |
He asked me if I went to school every day.* He asked me where I went to school. |
He said, “Go to school every day.” |
He said to go to school every day. |
*Note than
when a Yes/No question is being asked in direct speech, then a construction
with if or whetheris used. If a WH question is
being asked, then use the WH to introduce the clause. Also note that with
indirect speech, these are examples of embedded questions.
situation changes if instead of the common said another part
of the very to say is used. In that case the verb tenses
usually remain the same. Some examples of this situation are given below.
present + simple present
He says, “I go to school every day.” |
present + simple present
He says (that) he goes to school every day. |
perfect + simple present
He has said, “I go to school every day.” |
perfect + simple present
He has said (that) he goes to school every day. |
progressive + simple past
He was saying, “I went to school every day.” |
progressive + simple past
He was saying (that) he went to school every day. |
progressive + past perfect
He was saying (that) he had gone to school every day. |
future +
simple present
He will say, “I go to school every day.” |
future +
simple present
He will say (that) he goes to school every day. |
situation is the one in which modal constructions are used. If the verb said is
used, then the form of the modal, or another modal that has a past meaning is
He said, “I can go to school every day.” |
He said (that) he could go to school every day. |
He said, “I may go to school every day.” |
He said (that) he might go to school every day. |
He said, “I might go to school every day.” |
He said, “I must go to school every day.” |
had to
He said (that) he had to go to school every day. |
have to
He said, “I have to go to school every day.” |
He said, “I should go to school every day.” |
He said (that) he should go to school every day. |
ought to
He said, “I ought to go to school every day.” |
ought to
He said (that) he ought to go to school every day. |
While not
all of the possibilities have been listed here, there are enough to provide
examples of the main rules governing the use of indirect or reported speech.
For other situations, try to extrapolate from the examples here, or better
still, refer to a good grammar text or reference book.
Some other
verbs that can be used to introduce direct speech are: ask, report, tell,
announce, suggest, and inquire. They are not used interchangeably; check a
grammar or usage book for further information.
Reported spech
(direct and indirect speech)
Direct Speech: Kalimat langsung, yaitu sebuah kalimat yang berasal dari kutipan asli (“…”) dari pembicaraan atau pendapat seseorang, tanpa mengalami perubahan.
Indirect Speech: Kalimat laporan atau tidak langsung, yaitu bentuk kalimat penyampaian kembali tentang pembicaraan atau pendapat seseorang tanpa penekanan pada kata-kata persis atau asli dari si pembicara namun tidak merubah isi makna.
Karena “indirect speech” adalah kalimat yang melaporkan kembali tentang suatu peristtiwa maka waktu kejadian atau tenses haruslah berubah lebih lampau dari kalimat aslinya. Namun, perubahan tenses hanya akan terjadi jika introductory verbs berbentuk PAST, sedangkan jika introductory verbs berbentuk present maka tenses tidak berubah atau tetap. Yang perlu diingat adalah di dalam “indirect Speech” terjadi berbagai perubahan dalam struktur kalimat, tenses, kata ganti, keterangan waktu dan juga keterangan tempat.
Yaitu bentuk kata kerja pengantar kalimat laporan yang telah diucapkan seseorang, misalnya say (said), tell (told), explain (explained), ask (asked), etc.
1. Perubahan Tenses
Prinsip perubahan tenses :
Present …Prinsip perubahan tenses :
Example : |
Present … Past … Past perfect …
V1 V2 had V3
will V1 would V1 Would have V3
am/is/are was/were had been
have/has V3 had V3 had V3
etc etc etc
PRESENT … pada direct speech akan berubah menjadi PAST … di dalam indirect speech dan PAST …di dalam direct speech akan berubah menjadi PAST PERFECT … di dalam indirect. Sedangkan jika direct-nya berbentuk PAST PERFECT …. maka tenses TETAP PAST PERFECT.
Example :
Direct Speech : “Jack will go to Jakarta”, Andi says
Indirect Speech : Andi says that Jack will go to Jakata.
Direct Speech : “Rina is not reading a book.” My brother explained.
Indirect speech : My brother explained that Rina was not reading a book.
Direct Speech : John said: “I went to Jakarta.”
Indirect Speech : John said that he had gone to Jakarta.
2. Perubahan Keterangan Tempat dan Waktu
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
That day
The day before/ the previous day
The previous….
The day after/ the next day/ the following day
The following….
Example :
Direct : “I will go to Jakarta tomorrow”, said Anton
Indirect : Anton said that he would go to Jakarta the day after.
Direct : “We are watching TV now”, said my sisters.
Indirect : My sisters said that they were watching TV then.
3. Perubahan Pronoun (kata ganti)
Perubahan pada kata ganti erat kaitannya dengan konteks siapa yang berbicara (subject) beserta kata gantinya, siapa yang dituju beserta kata gantinya, kata ganti kepunyaan, dll.
Untuk bisa memahami lagi, pelajari tentang Subjective Pronoun, Objective Pronoun, Possessive adjective, Possessive Pronoun, serta Reflexive Pronoun di kelas X / kelas 1
4. Perubahan Struktur Kalimat
Perubahan struktur kalimat hanya terjadi pada kalimat tanya, kalimat perintah, dan kalimat larangan.
a. Kalimat Tanya
Struktur kalimat tanya di dalam direct harus berpola kalimat positif di dalam indirect. Kalimat Tanya yes/no question akan berpola if/whether di dalam indirect, sedangkan kalimat Tanya “WH Question” tetap berpola WH ( tetap memakai kata tanya yang dipakai di dalam direct speech).
Perubahan tenses, pronoun, dan keterangan tempat atau waktu masih tetap diberlakukan!
Example :
Direct : “Are you hungry?“, Asked Mira to Anton.
Indirect : Mira asked Anton if/whether he was hungry.
Direct : “What will you do tomorrow?” Asked Rony
Indirect : Rony asked me what I would do the day after.
b. Kalimat Perintah/Imperative/Command
Di bagian ini tidak berlaku perubahan tenses, karena kalimat perintah hanya memakai pola infinitive (V1).
Cara merubah direct ke indirect untuk Kalimat perintah tinggal kita sisipkan “TO V1”
Example :
Direct : “Take me some flower!” asked my mother.
Indirect : My mother asked me to take her some flowers.
c. Kalimat larangan/prohibition
Di bagian ini juga tidak berlaku perubahan tenses, karena kalimat larangan hanya memakai pola Don’t V1.
Cara merubah direct ke indirect untuk Kalimat perintah tinggal kita sisipkan “ NOT TO V1”
Example :
Direct : “Don’t touch my T-shirt!” Zidane warned Materazi.
Indirect : Zidane warned Materazi not to touch his T-shirt.
01. The doctor ... him to stay in bed.
(A) said
(B) advised
(C) scolded
(D) threatened
(E) wished
02. My friend said, "Show me all your stamps".
My friend asked me ... stamps
(A) to show him all your
(B) to show all his
(C) to shows all my
(D) to show him all my
(E) show him all my
03. I am leaving Bandung tomorrow', the traveler said.
The traveler said that he ...
(A) left Bandung tomorrow
(B) leaves Bandung the next day
(C) is leaves Bandung next day
(D) would be leaving Bandung the next day
(E) was to leave for Bandung the next day.
04. John ... where the nearest telephone was.
(A) told
(B) inquired
(C) advised
(D) suggested
(E) said
05. Mery asked me whether ... you for a long time.
(A) I knows
(B) I had know
(C) I know
(D) I am knowing
(E) I had known
06. My mother requested us ... home early.
(A) to returning
(B) returns
(C) return
(D) to return
(E) returned
07. Catherine said,' I know those two girls quite well'.
Catherine said that she ..... those two girls quite well.
(A) have know
(B) knowing
(C) has knew
(D) has known
(E) knew
08. "Where did you put my umbrella ?" my aunt asked
My aunt asked me where ..... umbrella.
(A) I had putted her
(B) I had put her
(C) she had put her
(D) I have put her
(E) I had put my
09. My teacher advised me ... more books and magazines.
(A) to read
(B) read
(C) to reading
(D) to have read
(E) to reads
10 .The engineer warned us ... on the wires.
(A) not to stepping
(B) not to stepped
(C) not step
(D) not stepping
(E) not to step
11. My friend asked whether he ... later that day.
(A) can visit me
(B) could visiting to me
(C) can visit me
(D) can visited me
(E) could visit me
12. The boys told their teacher, 'Please don't set us a test'.
The boys begged teacher ... a test
(A) not to set them
(B) don't set them
(C) not to setting us
(D) not set they
(E) not to set us.
13. 'Give me the money or I'll shoot you', the robber told the cashier.
The robber threatened ..... the money.
(A) shoot the cashier if she doesn't give him
(B) shooting the cashier if the not give to him
(C) to shoot the cashier if she will not give him
(D) to shoot the cashier unless she gave him
(E) to shoot the cashier if she not give him
14. 'I will tell you a secret', my friend whispered.
My friend said that he .....
(A) would whisper to me secretly
(B) will tell me a secret.
(C) would tell me a secret
(D) was telling me a secret
(E) is telling me a secret
15. The guard wanted to know ..... a pass.
(A) did I have
(B) has I got
(C) do 1 have
(D) have I got
(E) if I had
16. 'Did you enjoy your trip to Jakarta?’
the headmaster asked me.
The headmaster asked me ..... to Jakarta.
(A) If I enjoy my trip
(B) if my trip was enjoying
(C) to enjoy my trip
(D) have I enjoy my trip
(E) if had enjoyed my trip
17. Tuti asked us, 'Have you seen that film yet ?"
Tuti inquired whether we ..... that film.
(A) would be seeing
(B) had seen
(C) we could see
(D) wanted to see
(E) were seeing
18. 'Please help me', the old man begged me.
The old man.....
(A) begs me for helping him
(B) beg me to helping him
(C) begged me to help him.
(D) begging me to helped him
(E) begged me to help he
19. 'Do you have any minced meat ?." the lady asked the butcher.
The lady asked butcher whether he ...... any minced meat.
(A) has
(B) have
(C) having
(D) had
(E) is having
20. 'Go by bus. Don't take a taxi', my friend said.
I was advised by my friend ..... a taxi
(A) to go by bus and not taken
(B) going by bus, not in
(C) to go by bus and not to take
(D) go by bus and not by
(E) to go by bus and not taking
21. John asked me, “Why did those visitors leave so early ?"
Johny asked me why the visitors ..... so early.
(A) have been leaving
(B) leaving
(C) have left
(D) was left
(E) had left
22. He said that he..... to Bali.
(A) have never been
(B) had never been
(C) never been
(D) had no been
(E) has never being.
23. 'I told the police the truth about the accident', the motorist repeated.
The motorist repeated that he ..... the truth about the accident.
(A) have tell
(B) had tell
(C) had telling
(D) had told
(E) have tells
24. 'Don't do that again', the teacher.... Hamid.
(A) warned
(B) hoped
(C) wished
(D) said
(E) thanked
25. The officer said to us, 'Don't come back before ten o'clock'.
We were told by the officer ..... come back before ten o'clock.
(A) don't
(B) not
(C) we not to
(D) no can
(E) not to
01. Eko told Ridwan: "My sister will get married tomorrow."
Eko told Ridwan that his sister ... the following day.
(A) get married
(B) got married
(C) gets married
(D) will get married
(E) would get married
02. My friend said to me: "Can I find you a hotel?"
It means….
(A) My friend asked me if I could help him find a hotel.
(B) I wondered if my friends could help me find a hotel.
(C) My friend said that I could help him find a hotel.
(D) My friend asked me to find a hotel for him.
(E) My friend\asked me whether he could help me find a hotel.
03. Mother warned her ... the newly painted wall.
(A) not touched
(B) not touch
(C) not touching
(D) do not touch
(E) not to touch
04. "Don't disturb me1"
She ordered him … her
(A) don't disturb
(B) didn't disturb
(C) not disturb
(D) not to disturb
(E) to not disturb
05. "Switch off the television”.
Father ordered me…television.
(A) switch off
(B) to switch off
(C) switched off
(D) switching off
(E) switches off
06. He asked me: "Can your brother swim?”
He asked me ... swim.
(A) can my brother
(B) could my brother
(C) if could my brother
(D) if my brother can
(E) if my brother could
07. "The students are playing the kites", said my friend.
He told me that ... the kites.
(A) the students were playing
(B) the students are playing
(C) the students play
(D) D the students played
(E) the students will play
08. "How many sisters and brothers have you got?", I asked him.
I asked him how many sisters and brothers
(A) has he got
(B) had he got
(C) he has got
(D) I had got
(E) he had got
09. He asked me, "Can you help me?"
He asked me ... him.
(A) could I help
(B) can I help
(C) If I can help
(D) If I could help
(E) If can I help
10. She asked me, “What will you do tomorrow?”
She asked me what ....
(A) I would do the day after.
(B) I will do the day after.
(C) I would do the day before.
(D) I will have done the day after.
(E) I would be doing the day after.
11. She asked me, "How long will you stay in Jakarta?"
She asked me ... in Jakarta.
(A) how long shall stay
(B) how long I shall stay
(C) how long shall I stay
(D) how long I should stay
(E) how long should I stay
12. She told him, "My uncle sent me a letter."
She told him that ... a letter.
(A) her uncle sent her
(B) her uncle sent him
(C) his uncle sent her
(D) his uncle had sent his
(E) her uncle had sent her
13. He told me, "I went to Bali with Umar."
He told me that he ... Bali with Umar.
(A) went to
(B) goes to
(C) has gone to
(D) is going to
(E) had gone to
14. He asked me, "Have you got your car mended?"
He asked me if I ... mended.
(A) had got my car
(B) have got your car
(C) have got my car
(D) had got your car
(E) have had got my car
15. He told me, "I will do it for you."
He told me that ....
(A) I will do it for him.
(B) 1 would do it for him.
(C) he will do it for me.
(D) he would do it for me.
(E) he will do it for him.
16. “ l don't like to see the film," He told me.
He told me ... the film.
(A) if he didn't like to see
(B) that he doesn't like to see
(C) that he didn't like to see
(D) that he didn't like to have seen
(E) whatever he didn't like to see
17. He asked her, "Do you want me to sing?"
He asked her whether ... to sing.
(A) she wants him
(B) he wants her
(C) she wanted him
(D) he wanted her
(E) he wants you
18. "Don't let him go out!"
She ordered her ... him go out.
(A) didn't let
(B) to not let
(C) don't let
(D) not let
(E) not to let
19. "Do you understand what the teacher said?"
He asked if I ....
(A) understand what the teacher said.
(B) understand what the teacher had said.
(C) understood what the teacher said.
(D) understood what the teacher had said.
(E) have understood what the teacher said.
20. Mr.Is9ni : “Pick up the rubbish”
Mr.Dhany : “What did he say?”
Mr.Gun Gun : “….”
(A) Pick up the rubbish.
(B) He told you picking up the rubbish.
(C) He told you pick up the rubbish.
(D) He told you to pick up the rubbish.
(E) He told you not to pick up the rubbish.
21. Mrs. Sri :"He drove his car very fast."
Mrs. Yumi :”What did she say?”
She said that ....
(A) She drove his car very fast.
(B) She was driving his car very fast.
(C) She has been driving his car very fast.
(D) She had driven his car very fast.

She has driven his car very fast.
22. "The policeman told them not to drive fast in town."
What did the policeman actually say?
(A) "Not to drive fast in town!"
(B) "Don't drive fast in town!"
(C) "Drive not too fast in town!"
(D) "In town drive not too fast!"
(E) "Not drive fast in town!"
23. She told Mark, "Stay here till I come!."
She told Mark ....
(A) that stayed there till you come
(B) to stay there till she came.
(C) stayed here till he came
(D) stay here till I came
(E) to stay here till she came
24. "Can you tell me what time it is?"
The indirect speech of that question is…
He asked me ......
(A) if I could tell him what time it was
(B) if I can told him what time it was.
(C) if I could tell him what time it is.
(D) if I can tell him what time it is.
(E) if I could tell him what was the time.
25. My teacher told me no to put my book on his table.
My teacher said: "...."
(A) Don't put my book on his table.
(B) Don't put my book on your table.
(C) Don't put your book on my table.
(D) Don't put his book on my table.
(E) Don't put your table on your book.
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